Though India has multiple national languages, Hindi (hin-dee) is the most popular language associated with it. It has been heavily influenced by India’s rich history and has equally contributed to its cultures and traditions.
As a contrast to Konkani that’s used in Planet Pathrado, Hindi as a language has used the Devanagiri (they-vuh-naa-gee-ree) script preserved over centuries. You can not only see similarities between some every day words in the two languages but also how widely different they can be. A great way to learn of the diversity that exists within a single country.
Through reading sessions hosted in various schools, we have seen how excited children get when they see that the alphabet can be written in a way completely different from the English language. The simple phonetic cues help them read the original script and online audio files accessed via a QR code in the book allow them to hear a native speaker pronounce them as well so they can be accurate in their use.
We invite you to take a few small steps into the big world of Hindi - through Planet Pichkari (pich-kaa-ree), our unique Hindi language learning picture book.
Check out the sample audio file you will have access to via the QR code in the book.